

Clarkon Core allows you to write templates using Twig.


Clarkson Core looks into the templates/ folder of the active theme, and a the parent theme if applicable to find files to load.

Clarkson Core follows the same template hierarchy as WordPress does.

The first file that exists will be displayed. An example for a 404 page the order would be:

  1. wp-content/themes/child-theme/templates/404.twig
  2. wp-content/themes/parent-theme/templates/404.twig
  3. wp-content/themes/child-theme/404.php
  4. wp-content/themes/parent-theme/404.php
  5. wp-content/themes/child-theme/templates/index.twig
  6. wp-content/themes/parent-theme/templates/index.twig
  7. wp-content/themes/child-theme/index.php
  8. wp-content/themes/parent-theme/index.php

An example theme structure

Imagine a custom WordPress theme with:

  1. A custom post type event.
  2. A custom taxonomy venue.
  3. A custom contact page template.

You would structure the theme something like the following:

- templates/
  - 404.twig
  - archive.twig
  - archive-event.twig
  - embed-event.twig
  - single-event.twig
  - singular.twig
  - search.twig
  - taxonomy-venue.twig
  - template-contact.twig
- embed.php
- functions.php
- home.php

Regular posts and pages would load templates/archive.twig and templates/singular.twig.

The custom event post and the custom venue taxonomy would load templates/single-event.twig, templates/archive-event.twig and templates/taxonomy-venue.twig.

The user could select a custom template template-contact.twig for a page.

Embeds for the event post type would be handled by templates/embed-event.twig, while all other embeds would be handled by embed.php.

Search is handled by templates/search.twig.

The 404 page is handled by templates/404.twig.

The home page (blog) is handled by home.php.

Overwriting default loading behaviour

You can use filters to determine how and where Clarkson Core will look for your templates. The following filters are available:

Adding (custom) page templates

WordPress allows developers to create custom templates for all post types, which can then be selected in a dropdown when editing the post in the WordPress editor.

Files in the templates/ directory that match 'template-*.twig' are automatically added to the template dropdown for pages.

If you want to hide a template from the page template dropdown, or you want to show your template in the dropdown for other posttypes, you can use on of the following filters:

Using PHP functions in your twig template

You can use functions in your twig template using the regular function calls in Twig.

{{ get_stylesheet_directory_uri() }}

Clarkson Core registers a lot of functions that can be used in Twig by default.

If you are trying to use a function that is not (yet) available in Twig, you can use the clarkson_twig_function filter to add inyour custom functions.

Clarkson Objects in twig

Clarkson Core will have some Clarkson objects available in a template by default.

When WP_DEBUG is enabled, you can use the dump command (eg. {{ dump(object) }}) to figure out which object you are working with.

// Page details (single.twig, single-*.twig, singular.twig, etc)
    'object' => "Main item the single is about",
    'objects' => "(deprecated) Same as 'objects'",
// Archives (archive.twig, archive-*.twig, etc)
    'object' => "First result of the query",
    'objects' => "All results of the query, maybe limited by posts_per_page.",
    'post_type' => "An object representing the post type this archive is for"
// Term archives (category.twig, taxonomy-*.twig, etc)
    'object' => "First result of the query",
    'objects' => "All results of the query, maybe limited by posts_per_page.",
    'term' => "An object representing the term this archive is for"
// Authors (author.twig, etc)
    'object' => "First result of the query",
    'objects' => "All results of the query, maybe limited by posts_per_page.",
    'user' => "(deprecated) An object representing the author"
    'author' => "An object representing the author"
// search (search.twig)
    'object' => "First result of the query",
    'objects' => "All results of the query, maybe limited by posts_per_page.",
    'found_posts' => "Number of posts matching the query"
// home (home.twig)
    'posts_page' => "An object representing the selected posts page",
    'objects' => "All results of the query, maybe limited by posts_per_page.",

Rendering other templates

Sometimes you might want to render twig files outside of the normal WordPress template hierarchy.

Some usecases for this might admin panels, widget render callbacks or rendering e-mail contect.

In these cases you can use Clarkson Core to select the twig file to render and provide the appropriate environment.


class EventWidget extends \WP_Widget {
    public function __construct( string $widget_title = '' ) {
        // Instantiate the widget.

    public function widget( $args, $instance ) {
        $twig = \Clarkson_Core\Templates::get_instance();

            'partials/widgets/event.twig', array(
                'args' => $args,
            ), true

Whats next

Search results