Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- Block_Manager
- Intercepts 'the content' filter to allow overriding of the rendering functions
of Gutenberg blocks. This allows us to use twig for block rendering.
- Block_Type
- This custom block overwrites the render callback to use twig files.
- Objects
- This class is used to convert WordPress posts, terms and users into Clarkson
- Template_Context
- Templates
- Allows rendering of specific templates with Twig.
- Clarkson_Object
- Object oriented implementation of WordPress post objects.
- Clarkson_Post_Type
- Clarkson Post Type class.
- Clarkson_Role
- Object oriented wrapper for WP_Role objects.
- Clarkson_Taxonomy
- Clarkson Taxonomy class.
- Clarkson_Template
- Clarkson_Term
- Object oriented wrapper for WP_Term objects.
- Clarkson_User
- Object oriented wrapper for WP_User objects.